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How to Buy a House After a Divorce in Canada

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the steps to take when buying a house after a divorce in Canada
  • Considering your current financial standing and housing options
  • Waiting for legal proceedings to finalize before purchasing a home
  • Evaluating your income, assets, and credit implications
  • Deciding whether to stay in your current home or relocate
  • Exploring options for refinancing your mortgage
  • Finalizing legal proceedings and property settlement agreements
  • Calculating your affordability and getting pre-approved for a mortgage


Buying a house after a divorce can feel overwhelming, but with the right support and guidance, it can be a straightforward process. Whether you’re considering purchasing your existing family home or looking to relocate, we’ve got you covered. Each situation is unique, so understanding the steps involved and considering your current financial standing and housing options is crucial.

Divorce is a challenging and emotionally taxing time, and the last thing on your mind may be buying a house. However, if you’re in Canada, buying a home is a significant expense, and it’s crucial to understand the steps involved in purchasing a house after a divorce. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the process of buying a house after a divorce in Canada and provide you with the necessary information to navigate this complex situation.


  1. How to Buy a House After a Divorce in Canada
  2. Key Takeaways
  3. Introduction
  4. Current Housing Considerations
    1. Income
    2. Combined Assets
    3. Credit Implications
    4. Getting Out of Your Old Mortgage
    5. Removing Your Ex from the Title
  5. Deciding to Stay or Relocate
  6. Staying in Your Current Home
  7. Relocating and Buying a New Home
  8. Steps to Buying a Home After a Divorce
    1. Finalize Your Legal Proceedings
    2. Calculate Your Affordability
    3. Ensure All Joint Debts Are Separated
    4. Get Pre-Approved for a Mortgage
    5. Work with a Real Estate Agent
    6. Show Your Payment History
    7. Explore Mortgage Programs and Rebates
    8. Understand Your Rights and Obligations
    9. Consider the Emotional Impact
    10. Plan for Moving and Settling In
    11. Maintain Financial Stability
    12. Seek Professional Advice
  9. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
    1. Do you qualify as a first-time homebuyer after a divorce?
    2. Can I buy a house after separation in Canada?
    3. Can you be a first-time homebuyer if your spouse owns a home in Canada?
    4. Who gets the house after divorce in Canada?
    5. Can I get a mortgage after separation?
  10. Conclusion

Current Housing Considerations

Post-divorce, many individuals face the decision of whether or not to buy a house. There are several factors to consider, such as your income, combined assets, and credit implications.


One of the first considerations when buying a house after a divorce is your income. Your financial situation may have changed significantly since the time of your marriage, and it’s essential to take this into account. If you no longer have the income support of your ex-spouse, getting a loan during divorce can be challenging. Therefore, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of your finances before starting the home-buying process.

Combined Assets

Before making any decisions about buying a house during a divorce, it’s important to assess your combined assets. This includes not only your savings and income but also any joint property or investments. If you and your ex-spouse can sell these assets and divide the proceeds evenly, it can provide funds for a down payment and closing costs on a new home.

Credit Implications

Divorce can have an impact on your credit score, which can affect your ability to obtain a mortgage. Joint credit card accounts may be closed during the divorce process, potentially increasing your credit utilization ratio and negatively impacting your score. To minimize this risk, it’s advisable to keep joint accounts open until all debts are paid off and ensure that all payments are made on time.

Getting Out of Your Old Mortgage

If you’re considering purchasing a new home after a divorce, you may need to address your current mortgage. In some cases, it may be possible to transfer the mortgage to the partner who will be staying in the house. However, this typically requires demonstrating a stable income and the ability to make mortgage payments. Alternatively, if the remaining partner cannot take over the mortgage, selling the property and dividing the proceeds between both parties may be necessary.

Removing Your Ex from the Title

If you and your ex-spouse jointly own a home and you wish to remove their name from the title, you will need to file a quitclaim deed. This legal document relinquishes their rights to the property and must be notarized and filed with the appropriate authorities. Additionally, it may be necessary to remove their name from the mortgage to ensure full ownership of the property.

Deciding to Stay or Relocate

After a divorce, you may be faced with the decision of whether to stay in your current home or relocate. There are advantages and considerations for both options.

Staying in Your Current Home

Choosing to stay in your current home can provide a sense of familiarity and stability during a challenging time. You may have emotional attachments to the home and prefer to avoid the stress of finding a new place to live. If you decide to stay, you’ll need to consider how to take over the existing mortgage.

Refinancing Your Mortgage

If both you and your ex-spouse are on the mortgage, refinancing into your own name may be an option. This allows you to maintain control over the property and potentially secure a lower interest rate. However, it’s important to ensure that you meet the requirements for refinancing, including a good credit score and sufficient equity in your home.

Relocating and Buying a New Home

If you choose to relocate after a divorce, there are additional considerations to keep in mind. Researching potential areas, hiring professional movers, and saying goodbye to friends and family are all part of the process. It’s important to thoroughly research and consider all factors before making a decision.

Steps to Buying a Home After a Divorce

Buying a home after a divorce may seem daunting, but with careful planning, it can be a smoother process. Here are the essential steps to take when purchasing a home after a divorce in Canada:

1. Finalize Your Legal Proceedings

Before buying a home, it’s crucial to finalize all legal proceedings related to your divorce. This includes not only the divorce itself but also any property settlement agreements. Once these agreements are in place, you can move forward with the home-buying process without any outstanding legal issues.

2. Calculate Your Affordability

Determining how much you can afford is an important step in buying a home after a divorce. Your finances may have changed, and it’s essential to understand your budget and whether you’ll be able to qualify for a mortgage. Consider your income, ongoing expenses, and potential down payment to assess your affordability.

3. Ensure All Joint Debts Are Separated

If you and your ex-spouse have joint debts, it’s important to separate them to avoid any financial complications. Remove your name from any debts that are now solely your ex-spouse’s responsibility.

4. Get Pre-Approved for a Mortgage

Getting pre-approved for a mortgage will provide you with a clear understanding of how much you can borrow and at what interest rate. This will help you narrow down your search and make informed decisions when looking for a new home.

5. Work with a Real Estate Agent

Enlisting the help of a real estate agent who is familiar with the divorce process can be invaluable. They can guide you through the home-buying process, provide expert advice, and help you find properties that align with your needs and budget.

6. Show Your Payment History

During the mortgage approval process, you’ll need to demonstrate your payment history. This includes providing documentation of your monthly bills, such as mortgage payments, credit card payments, and any other debts. It’s crucial to show that you are capable of making regular payments on time.

7. Explore Mortgage Programs and Rebates

In Canada, there are several mortgage programs and rebates available to assist homebuyers, including the Home Buyers’ Plan (HBP) and land transfer tax rebates. Take advantage of these programs to help make homeownership more affordable.

8. Understand Your Rights and Obligations

Ensure that you fully understand your rights and obligations as a homeowner after a divorce. Consult legal professionals to review your divorce settlement and property agreements to avoid any potential complications in the future.

9. Consider the Emotional Impact

Buying a home after a divorce can be emotionally challenging. Take the time to consider the emotional impact of the decision and seek support from friends, family, or professionals who can assist you during this transition.

10. Plan for Moving and Settling In

If you choose to relocate, make a comprehensive plan for the moving process and settling into your new home. Consider hiring professional movers, transferring utilities, and notifying relevant parties of your change of address.

11. Maintain Financial Stability

After purchasing a home, it’s essential to maintain financial stability. Budget carefully, make mortgage payments on time, and keep track of your expenses to ensure your long-term financial well-being.

12. Seek Professional Advice

Throughout the home-buying process, don’t hesitate to seek professional advice. Consult with mortgage brokers, real estate agents, and legal professionals who can provide guidance tailored to your specific situation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Do you qualify as a first-time homebuyer after a divorce?

Whether you qualify as a first-time homebuyer after a divorce depends on your specific circumstances. In Canada, the definition of a first-time homebuyer can vary, but generally, if you haven’t owned a home in the past four years, you may be eligible for first-time homebuyer benefits and programs.

Can I buy a house after separation in Canada?

Yes, you can buy a house after separation in Canada. However, it’s important to consider your financial standing, legal proceedings, and other factors before making a decision. Consult with professionals to ensure that you’re making informed choices.

Can you be a first-time homebuyer if your spouse owns a home in Canada?

If your spouse owns a home, it may affect your eligibility as a first-time homebuyer. However, there may be exceptions and specific criteria that determine your eligibility. It’s best to consult with mortgage brokers or real estate professionals to understand your options.

Who gets the house after divorce in Canada?

The division of property after a divorce in Canada depends on various factors, including legal proceedings, property agreements, and individual circumstances. The court will assess the situation and determine the fair distribution of assets, including the family home.

Can I get a mortgage after separation?

Yes, it is possible to get a mortgage after separation. However, it’s crucial to consider your financial situation, income, credit score, and other factors that lenders assess during the mortgage approval process. Working with mortgage brokers can help you navigate this process and find suitable options.


Buying a house after a divorce in Canada may seem complex, but with the right knowledge and guidance, it can be a manageable process. Understanding your financial standing, legal obligations, and housing options is crucial to make informed decisions. By following the steps outlined in this guide and seeking professional advice, you can navigate the home-buying process successfully and start a new chapter in your life. Remember to consult with mortgage brokers, real estate agents, and legal professionals who can provide tailored guidance based on your unique circumstances. For mortgage brokerage and refinance assistance reach out to Citadel Mortgages.

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